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Friendship  by  Audrey Williams and Ravynn  Condello

15 ways to be a good friend:

  1.  ​ Both people contributing to being the other persons friend

  2. Help   each other  even  with   little things

  3. Be respectful

  4. Communicate your,  and   the  other persons feelings,opinions and/or beliefs

  5.  Understanding, even if you or the other person has a different opinion

  6. No secrets that  may   hurt the other person, physically or mentally

  7. Breaks from the other person is okay

  8. Don't be clingy or over-protective

  9. Fights are natural,try not to take things too far

  10. Talk about problems you   or the other person  have with each other

  11. Stick together even when times are tough

  12. Give and take evenly

  13. Don't take the other person for granted

  14. Focus on the positive but don't be afraid to address the negative


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